My name is Thomas Hanes and I live in Cedar Hill where I am a husband, and a father of two. I have a strong passion for music, and even more so, teaching music to children!
That passion for music and children has led me to host my first Youth Showcase on May 5th in Desoto and I need your help to make it happen. This event will put the spotlight squarely on the brilliant kids that are from right here in our community, demonstrating their many talents! These talents will include singing, dance, spoken word, and musical instruments.
The headliners of the event will be a youth band that I direct, known as 1ST RATE. The band is made up of 5 young men between the ages of 11 and 16 years old. It has been an honor to provide leadership to this group, and I am excited about them making their debut performance at this Youth Showcase!
There are currently 4 opportunity for individuals and businesses and organizations to participate in this event:
- Purchase tickets ($10 each) and attend the concert on May 5, 2019.
- Make a donation
- Purchase ad space in our program
- Order DVD ($25)
The funds will be used to help with the costs of the event, and for future outings fine arts related outings.
My goal is for this to turn into an annual event that the talented and gifted youth of our community can look forward to participating in each year!
Please let me know how you would like to help and don't hesitate to contact me by phone or email if you have any questions.
Your consideration is greatly appreciated and I hope you are able to partner with us in our inaugural Youth Showcase!!
Best Regards,
Thomas Hanes